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Found 25 results
Lue, N F
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Journal Article
Lue NF
Kornberg RD
. 1987.
Accurate initiation at RNA polymerase II promoters in extracts from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 84(24):8839-43.
Lue NF
Kornberg RD
. 1990.
Accurately initiated, enhancer-dependent transcription by RNA polymerase I in yeast extracts.
J Biol Chem. 265(30):18091-4.
Lue NF
Buchman AR
Kornberg RD
. 1989.
Activation of yeast RNA polymerase II transcription by a thymidine-rich upstream element in vitro.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 86(2):486-90.
Peng Y
Mian IS
Lue NF
. 2001.
Analysis of telomerase processivity: mechanistic similarity to HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and role in telomere maintenance.
Mol Cell. 7(6):1201-11.
Lue NF
Wang JC
. 1995.
ATP-dependent processivity of a telomerase activity from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
J Biol Chem. 270(37):21453-6.
Chen GL
Halligan NL
Lue NF
Chen WW
. 1987.
Biosynthesis of myelin-associated proteins in simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed rat Schwann cell lines.
Brain Res. 414(1):35-48.
Nugent CI
Hughes TR
Lue NF
Lundblad V
. 1996.
Cdc13p: a single-strand telomeric DNA-binding protein with a dual role in yeast telomere maintenance.
Science. 274(5285):249-52.
Niu H
Xia J
Lue NF
. 2000.
Characterization of the interaction between the nuclease and reverse transcriptase activity of the yeast telomerase complex.
Mol Cell Biol. 20(18):6806-15.
Buchman AR
Lue NF
Kornberg RD
. 1988.
Connections between transcriptional activators, silencers, and telomeres as revealed by functional analysis of a yeast DNA-binding protein.
Mol Cell Biol. 8(12):5086-99.
Sutrina SL
Lue NF
Chen GL
Chen WW
. 1987.
Effect of dimethyl sulfoxide on transformed rat Schwann cells.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 923(3):451-62.
Bosoy D
Lue NF
. 2001.
Functional analysis of conserved residues in the putative "finger" domain of telomerase reverse transcriptase.
J Biol Chem. 276(49):46305-12.
Bram RJ
Lue NF
Kornberg RD
. 1986.
A GAL family of upstream activating sequences in yeast: roles in both induction and repression of transcription.
EMBO J. 5(3):603-8.
Lue NF
Peng Y
. 1997.
Identification and characterization of a telomerase activity from Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Nucleic Acids Res. 25(21):4331-7.
Xia J
Peng Y
Mian IS
Lue NF
. 2000.
Identification of functionally important domains in the N-terminal region of telomerase reverse transcriptase.
Mol Cell Biol. 20(14):5196-207.
Lue NF
Flanagan PM
Sugimoto K
Kornberg RD
. 1989.
Initiation by yeast RNA polymerase II at the adenoviral major late promoter in vitro.
Science. 246(4930):661-4.
Lue NF
Chasman DI
Buchman AR
Kornberg RD
. 1987.
Interaction of GAL4 and GAL80 gene regulatory proteins in vitro.
Mol Cell Biol. 7(10):3446-51.
Lorch Y
Lue NF
Kornberg RD
. 1990.
Interchangeable RNA polymerase I and II enhancers.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 87(21):8202-6.
Lue NF
Peng Y
. 1998.
Negative regulation of yeast telomerase activity through an interaction with an upstream region of the DNA primer.
Nucleic Acids Res. 26(6):1487-94.
Lue NF
Kornberg RD
. 1993.
A possible role for the yeast TATA-element-binding protein in DNA replication.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 90(17):8018-22.
Flanagan PM
Kelleher RJ
Feaver WJ
Lue NF
LaPointe JW
Kornberg RD
. 1990.
Resolution of factors required for the initiation of transcription by yeast RNA polymerase II.
J Biol Chem. 265(19):11105-7.
Lue NF
Flanagan PM
Kelleher RJ
Edwards AM
Kornberg RD
. 1991.
RNA polymerase II transcription in vitro.
Methods Enzymol. 194:545-50.
Lue NF
. 1999.
Sequence-specific and conformation-dependent binding of yeast telomerase RNA to single-stranded telomeric DNA.
Nucleic Acids Res. 27(12):2560-7.
Lue NF
Xia J
. 1998.
Species-specific and sequence-specific recognition of the dG-rich strand of telomeres by yeast telomerase.
Nucleic Acids Res. 26(6):1495-502.
Fedor MJ
Lue NF
Kornberg RD
. 1988.
Statistical positioning of nucleosomes by specific protein-binding to an upstream activating sequence in yeast.
J Mol Biol. 204(1):109-27.
Chasman DI
Lue NF
Buchman AR
LaPointe JW
Lorch Y
Kornberg RD
. 1990.
A yeast protein that influences the chromatin structure of UASG and functions as a powerful auxiliary gene activator.
Genes Dev. 4(4):503-14.