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A novel crosstalk between TLR4- and NOD2-mediated signaling in the regulation of intestinal inflammation.
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Poorly Cross-Linked Peptidoglycan in MRSA Due to mecA Induction Activates the Inflammasome and Exacerbates Immunopathology.
Cell Host Microbe. 18(5):604-12.
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Stressed mycobacteria use the chaperone ClpB to sequester irreversibly oxidized proteins asymmetrically within and between cells.
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Bittker JA
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Target-based identification of whole-cell active inhibitors of biotin biosynthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Chem Biol. 22(1):76-86.
Zhao N
Darby CM
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Bachovchin DA
Jiang X
Burns-Huang KE
Botella H
Ehrt S
Boger DL
Anderson ED
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Target-based screen against a periplasmic serine protease that regulates intrabacterial pH homeostasis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
ACS Chem Biol. 10(2):364-71.
Bockman MR
Kalinda AS
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De la Mora-Rey T
Tiwari D
Liu F
Dawadi S
Nandakumar M
Rhee KY
Schnappinger D
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Targeting Mycobacterium tuberculosis Biotin Protein Ligase (MtBPL) with Nucleoside-Based Bisubstrate Adenylation Inhibitors.
J Med Chem. 58(18):7349-7369.
Garg A
Wesolowski D
Alonso D
Deitsch KW
Ben Mamoun C
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Targeting protein translation, RNA splicing, and degradation by morpholino-based conjugates in Plasmodium falciparum.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112(38):11935-40.
Nathan C
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TB drug development: immunology at the table.
Immunol Rev. 264(1):308-18.
Steinberg-Neifach O
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Telomere DNA recognition in Saccharomycotina yeast: potential lessons for the co-evolution of ssDNA and dsDNA-binding proteins and their target sites.
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Ganapathy U
Marrero J
Calhoun S
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Rhee K
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Two enzymes with redundant fructose bisphosphatase activity sustain gluconeogenesis and virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Nat Commun. 6:7912.
Ukaegbu UE
Zhang X
Heinberg AR
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Chen Q
Deitsch KW
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A Unique Virulence Gene Occupies a Principal Position in Immune Evasion by the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium falciparum.
PLoS Genet. 11(5):e1005234.
Nathan C
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What can immunology contribute to the control of the world's leading cause of death from bacterial infection?
Immunol Rev. 264(1):2-5.
Janovitz T
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Falck-Pedersen E
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Adeno-associated virus type 2 preferentially integrates single genome copies with defined breakpoints.
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Adenovirus detection by the cGAS/STING/TBK1 DNA sensing cascade.
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Anatomical localization of commensal bacteria in immune cell homeostasis and disease.
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Antibiotic resistance--problems, progress, and prospects.
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A cascade of DNA-binding proteins for sexual commitment and development in Plasmodium.
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The CDC13-STN1-TEN1 complex stimulates Pol α activity by promoting RNA priming and primase-to-polymerase switch.
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Coinfection. Virus-helminth coinfection reveals a microbiota-independent mechanism of immunomodulation.
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Sander AF
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Jespersen JS
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DNA secondary structures are associated with recombination in major Plasmodium falciparum variable surface antigen gene families.
Nucleic Acids Res. 42(4):2270-81.
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Dual DNA-binding domains shape the interaction of Brh2 with DNA.
DNA Repair (Amst). 22:104-11.
Janovitz T
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Falck-Pedersen E
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Highly divergent integration profile of adeno-associated virus serotype 5 revealed by high-throughput sequencing.
J Virol. 88(5):2481-8.
Puckett S
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Eoh H
Marrero J
Spencer J
Jackson M
Schnappinger D
Rhee K
Ehrt S
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Inactivation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase prevents optimal co-catabolism of glycolytic and gluconeogenic carbon substrates in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
PLoS Pathog. 10(5):e1004144.
Gaur RL
Ren K
Blumenthal A
Bhamidi S
González-Nilo FD
Gibbs S
Jackson M
Zare RN
Ehrt S
Ernst JD
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LprG-mediated surface expression of lipoarabinomannan is essential for virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
PLoS Pathog. 10(9):e1004376.
Kirkman L
Lawrence EA
Deitsch K
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Malaria parasites utilize both homologous recombination and alternative end joining pathways to maintain genome integrity.
Nucleic Acids Res. 42(1):370-9.
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