Transgene expression after rep-mediated site-specific integration into chromosome 19.

TitleTransgene expression after rep-mediated site-specific integration into chromosome 19.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsPhilpott NJ, Gomos J, Falck-Pedersen E
JournalHum Gene Ther
Date Published2004 Jan
KeywordsChromosomes, Human, Pair 19, Dependovirus, DNA-Binding Proteins, Genetic Therapy, Genetic Vectors, HeLa Cells, Humans, Plasmids, Repetitive Sequences, Nucleic Acid, Transgenes, Viral Proteins, Virus Integration

We have used a plasmid-based transfection model of the adeno-associated virus (AAV) Rep-mediated site-specific integration (RMSSI) pathway to characterize the stability and expression of a site-specifically integrated transgene (either green fluorescent protein [GFP] or chloramphenicol acetyltransferase [CAT]). Three plasmids containing the AAV p5 integration efficiency element (p5IEE) have been used to study integration and transgene expression in HeLa cells: (1) pRepGFP(itr+) contains both AAV ITRs, rep, and p5IEE and can be used as either a plasmid or rAAV vehicle for integration; (2) pRepGFP(itr-) contains the AAV rep gene and the p5IEE; (3) pAd-p5CAT contains only the 138-bp p5IEE of AAV. The data presented demonstrate that in the absence of drug selection, all three constructs undergo site-specific integration (efficiencies of between 10 and 40% of transduced cell lines). At 6 weeks posttransfection most cell lines that underwent RMSSI also expressed the appropriate transgene product. By 18 weeks posttransfection cell lines that were established with rep in cis to the transgene showed a decline in transgene expression as well as a loss of transgene DNA. In many cell lines, there appears to be transgene-containing DNA that does not contribute to gene expression. Data support a model of gene expression and transgene instability through a Rep-mediated pathway. In contrast to rep-containing cell lines, clonal cell lines containing p5IEECAT (with Rep provided in trans) maintained both the integrated transgene and transgene expression throughout the entire experimental time course (18 weeks).

Alternate JournalHum Gene Ther
PubMed ID14965377
Grant ListGM67102 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
HL59312 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States

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