The mycobiota: interactions between commensal fungi and the host immune system.

TitleThe mycobiota: interactions between commensal fungi and the host immune system.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsUnderhill DM, Iliev ID
JournalNat Rev Immunol
Date Published2014 Jun
KeywordsAnimals, Fungi, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Humans, Immune System, Mice, Microbiota, Mycoses, Signal Transduction, Symbiosis

The body is host to a wide variety of microbial communities from which the immune system protects us and that are important for the normal development of the immune system and for the maintenance of healthy tissues and physiological processes. Investigators have mostly focused on the bacterial members of these communities, but fungi are increasingly being recognized to have a role in defining these communities and to interact with immune cells. In this Review, we discuss what is currently known about the makeup of fungal communities in the body and the features of the immune system that are particularly important for interacting with fungi at these sites.

Alternate JournalNat. Rev. Immunol.
PubMed ID24854590
PubMed Central IDPMC4332855
Grant ListDK093426 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
DK098310 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
K99 DK098310 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
R01 DK093426 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States

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