Title | Multiple CCR5 conformations on the cell surface are used differentially by human immunodeficiency viruses resistant or sensitive to CCR5 inhibitors. |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2011 |
Authors | Berro R, Klasse PJohan, Lascano D, Flegler A, Nagashima KA, Sanders RW, Sakmar TP, Hope TJ, Moore JP |
Journal | J Virol |
Volume | 85 |
Issue | 16 |
Pagination | 8227-40 |
Date Published | 2011 Aug |
ISSN | 1098-5514 |
Keywords | Anti-HIV Agents, Antibodies, Monoclonal, CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes, Cell Line, Cell Membrane, Cyclohexanes, Drug Resistance, Viral, Epitopes, Flow Cytometry, HEK293 Cells, HIV Envelope Protein gp120, HIV Envelope Protein gp41, HIV-1, Humans, Membrane Microdomains, Microscopy, Fluorescence, Piperazines, Pyrimidines, Receptors, CCR5, Triazoles, Viral Fusion Proteins, Virus Internalization |
Abstract | Resistance to small-molecule CCR5 inhibitors arises when HIV-1 variants acquire the ability to use inhibitor-bound CCR5 while still recognizing free CCR5. Two isolates, CC101.19 and D1/85.16, became resistant via four substitutions in the gp120 V3 region and three in the gp41 fusion peptide (FP), respectively. The binding characteristics of a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) imply that several antigenic forms of CCR5 are expressed at different levels on the surfaces of U87-CD4-CCR5 cells and primary CD4(+) T cells, in a cell-type-dependent manner. CCR5 binding and HIV-1 infection inhibition experiments suggest that the two CCR5 inhibitor-resistant viruses altered their interactions with CCR5 in different ways. As a result, both mutants became generally more sensitive to inhibition by CCR5 MAbs, and the FP mutant is specifically sensitive to a MAb that stains discrete cell surface clusters of CCR5 that may correspond to lipid rafts. We conclude that some MAbs detect different antigenic forms of CCR5 and that inhibitor-sensitive and -resistant viruses can use these CCR5 forms differently for entry in the presence or absence of CCR5 inhibitors. |
DOI | 10.1128/JVI.00767-11 |
Alternate Journal | J. Virol. |
PubMed ID | 21680525 |
PubMed Central ID | PMC3147974 |
Grant List | R01 AI052051 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States R01 AI41420 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States |
Submitted by mam2155 on March 24, 2014 - 4:19pm