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Found 21 results
Iliyan D Iliev
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Shimosato T
Kitazawa H
Katoh S
Tohno M
Iliev ID
Nagasawa C
Kimura T
Kawai Y
Saito T
. 2005.
Augmentation of T(H)-1 type response by immunoactive AT oligonucleotide from lactic acid bacteria via Toll-like receptor 9 signaling.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 326(4):782-7.
Iliev ID
Kitazawa H
Shimosato T
Katoh S
Morita H
He F
Hosoda M
Saito T
. 2005.
Strong immunostimulation in murine immune cells by Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG DNA containing novel oligodeoxynucleotide pattern.
Cell Microbiol. 7(3):403-14.
Tohno M
Shimosato T
Kitazawa H
Katoh S
Iliev ID
Kimura T
Kawai Y
Watanabe K
Aso H
Yamaguchi T
et al.
. 2005.
Toll-like receptor 2 is expressed on the intestinal M cells in swine.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 330(2):547-54.
Shimosato T
Kimura T
Tohno M
Iliev ID
Katoh S
Ito Y
Kawai Y
Sasaki T
Saito T
Kitazawa H
. 2006.
Strong immunostimulatory activity of AT-oligodeoxynucleotide requires a six-base loop with a self-stabilized 5'-C...G-3' stem structure.
Cell Microbiol. 8(3):485-95.
Iliev ID
Matteoli G
Rescigno M
. 2007.
The yin and yang of intestinal epithelial cells in controlling dendritic cell function.
J Exp Med. 204(10):2253-7.
Iliev ID
Tohno M
Kurosaki D
Shimosato T
He F
Hosoda M
Saito T
Kitazawa H
. 2008.
Immunostimulatory oligodeoxynucleotide containing TTTCGTTT motif from Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG DNA potentially suppresses OVA-specific IgE production in mice.
Scand J Immunol. 67(4):370-6.
Mileti E
Matteoli G
Iliev ID
Rescigno M
. 2009.
Comparison of the immunomodulatory properties of three probiotic strains of Lactobacilli using complex culture systems: prediction for in vivo efficacy.
PLoS One. 4(9):e7056.
Iliev ID
Spadoni I
Mileti E
Matteoli G
Sonzogni A
Sampietro GM
Foschi D
Caprioli F
Viale G
Rescigno M
. 2009.
Human intestinal epithelial cells promote the differentiation of tolerogenic dendritic cells.
Gut. 58(11):1481-9.
Rescigno M
Iliev ID
. 2009.
Interleukin-23: linking mesenteric lymph node dendritic cells with Th1 immunity in Crohn's disease.
Gastroenterology. 137(5):1566-70.
Iliev ID
Mileti E
Matteoli G
Chieppa M
Rescigno M
. 2009.
Intestinal epithelial cells promote colitis-protective regulatory T-cell differentiation through dendritic cell conditioning.
Mucosal Immunol. 2(4):340-50.
Matteoli G
Mazzini E
Iliev ID
Mileti E
Fallarino F
Puccetti P
Chieppa M
Rescigno M
. 2010.
Gut CD103+ dendritic cells express indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase which influences T regulatory/T effector cell balance and oral tolerance induction.
Gut. 59(5):595-604.
Murakami M
Francavilla C
Torselli I
Corada M
Maddaluno L
Sica A
Matteoli G
Iliev ID
Mantovani A
Rescigno M
et al.
. 2010.
Inactivation of junctional adhesion molecule-A enhances antitumoral immune response by promoting dendritic cell and T lymphocyte infiltration.
Cancer Res. 70(5):1759-65.
Spadoni I
Iliev ID
Rossi G
Rescigno M
. 2012.
Dendritic cells produce TSLP that limits the differentiation of Th17 cells, fosters Treg development, and protects against colitis.
Mucosal Immunol. 5(2):184-93.
Iliev ID
Funari VA
Taylor KD
Nguyen Q
Reyes CN
Strom SP
Brown J
Becker CA
Fleshner PR
Dubinsky M
et al.
. 2012.
Interactions between commensal fungi and the C-type lectin receptor Dectin-1 influence colitis.
Science. 336(6086):1314-7.
Iliev ID
Underhill DM
. 2013.
Striking a balance: fungal commensalism versus pathogenesis.
Curr Opin Microbiol. 16(3):366-73.
Underhill DM
Iliev ID
. 2014.
The mycobiota: interactions between commensal fungi and the host immune system.
Nat Rev Immunol. 14(6):405-16.
Frykman PK
Nordenskjöld A
Kawaguchi A
Hui TT
Granström AL
Cheng Z
Tang J
Underhill DM
Iliev ID
Funari VA
et al.
. 2015.
Characterization of Bacterial and Fungal Microbiome in Children with Hirschsprung Disease with and without a History of Enterocolitis: A Multicenter Study.
PLoS One. 10(4):e0124172.
Iliev ID
. 2015.
Dectin-1 Exerts Dual Control in the Gut.
Cell Host Microbe. 18(2):139-41.
Seehus CR
Aliahmad P
de la Torre B
Iliev ID
Spurka L
Funari VA
Kaye J
. 2015.
The development of innate lymphoid cells requires TOX-dependent generation of a common innate lymphoid cell progenitor.
Nat Immunol. 16(6):599-608.
Tang J
Iliev ID
Brown J
Underhill DM
Funari VA
. 2015.
Mycobiome: Approaches to analysis of intestinal fungi.
J Immunol Methods. 421:112-21.
Müller S
Wolf AJ
Iliev ID
Berg BL
Underhill DM
Liu GY
. 2015.
Poorly Cross-Linked Peptidoglycan in MRSA Due to mecA Induction Activates the Inflammasome and Exacerbates Immunopathology.
Cell Host Microbe. 18(5):604-12.