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Found 85 results
Ehrt, Sabine
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Small JL
Park SWoong
Kana BD
Ioerger TR
Sacchettini JC
Ehrt S
. 2013.
Perturbation of cytochrome c maturation reveals adaptability of the respiratory chain in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
mBio. 4(5):e00475-13.
Small JL
O'Donoghue AJ
Boritsch EC
Tsodikov OV
Knudsen GM
Vandal O
Craik CS
Ehrt S
. 2013.
Substrate specificity of MarP, a periplasmic protease required for resistance to acid and oxidative stress in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
J Biol Chem. 288(18):12489-99.
Darby CM
Ingólfsson HI
Jiang X
Shen C
Sun M
Zhao N
Burns K
Liu G
Ehrt S
J Warren D
et al.
. 2013.
Whole cell screen for inhibitors of pH homeostasis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
PLoS One. 8(7):e68942.
Puckett S
Trujillo C
Eoh H
Marrero J
Spencer J
Jackson M
Schnappinger D
Rhee K
Ehrt S
. 2014.
Inactivation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase prevents optimal co-catabolism of glycolytic and gluconeogenic carbon substrates in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
PLoS Pathog. 10(5):e1004144.
Gaur RL
Ren K
Blumenthal A
Bhamidi S
González-Nilo FD
Gibbs S
Jackson M
Zare RN
Ehrt S
Ernst JD
et al.
. 2014.
LprG-mediated surface expression of lipoarabinomannan is essential for virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
PLoS Pathog. 10(9):e1004376.
Danilchanka O
Sun J
Pavlenok M
Maueröder C
Speer A
Siroy A
Marrero J
Trujillo C
Mayhew DL
Doornbos KS
et al.
. 2014.
An outer membrane channel protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with exotoxin activity.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(18):6750-5.
Schnappinger D
Ehrt S
. 2014.
Regulated Expression Systems for Mycobacteria and Their Applications.
Microbiol Spectr. 2(1):MGM2-0018-2013.
Schnappinger D
Ehrt S
. 2014.
Regulated Expression Systems for Mycobacteria and Their Applications.
Microbiol Spectr. 2(1)
Trujillo C
Blumenthal A
Marrero J
Rhee KY
Schnappinger D
Ehrt S
. 2014.
Triosephosphate isomerase is dispensable in vitro yet essential for Mycobacterium tuberculosis to establish infection.
mBio. 5(2):e00085.
Schnappinger D
O'Brien KM
Ehrt S
. 2015.
Construction of conditional knockdown mutants in mycobacteria.
Methods Mol Biol. 1285:151-75.
Goodsmith N
Guo XV
Vandal OH
Vaubourgeix J
Wang R
Botella H
Song S
Bhatt K
Liba A
Salgame P
et al.
. 2015.
Disruption of an M. tuberculosis membrane protein causes a magnesium-dependent cell division defect and failure to persist in mice.
PLoS Pathog. 11(2):e1004645.
Zhao N
Sun M
Burns-Huang K
Jiang X
Ling Y
Darby C
Ehrt S
Liu G
Nathan C
. 2015.
Identification of Rv3852 as an Agrimophol-Binding Protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
PLoS One. 10(5):e0126211.
Ehrt S
Rhee K
Schnappinger D
. 2015.
Mycobacterial genes essential for the pathogen's survival in the host.
Immunol Rev. 264(1):319-26.
Zhao N
Darby CM
Small J
Bachovchin DA
Jiang X
Burns-Huang KE
Botella H
Ehrt S
Boger DL
Anderson ED
et al.
. 2015.
Target-based screen against a periplasmic serine protease that regulates intrabacterial pH homeostasis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
ACS Chem Biol. 10(2):364-71.
Ganapathy U
Marrero J
Calhoun S
Eoh H
de Carvalho LPedro Sori
Rhee K
Ehrt S
. 2015.
Two enzymes with redundant fructose bisphosphatase activity sustain gluconeogenesis and virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Nat Commun. 6:7912.
Schnappinger D
Ehrt S
. 2016.
A broader spectrum of tuberculosis.
Nat Med. 22(10):1076-1077.
Lin K
O'Brien KM
Trujillo C
Wang R
Wallach JB
Schnappinger D
Ehrt S
. 2016.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Thioredoxin Reductase Is Essential for Thiol Redox Homeostasis but Plays a Minor Role in Antioxidant Defense.
PLoS Pathog. 12(6):e1005675.
Korte J
Alber M
Trujillo CM
Syson K
Koliwer-Brandl H
Deenen R
Köhrer K
DeJesus MA
Hartman T
Jacobs WR
et al.
. 2016.
Trehalose-6-Phosphate-Mediated Toxicity Determines Essentiality of OtsB2 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis In Vitro and in Mice.
PLoS Pathog. 12(12):e1006043.
Xu W
DeJesus MA
Rücker N
Engelhart CA
Wright MG
Healy C
Lin K
Wang R
Park SWoong
Ioerger TR
et al.
. 2017.
Chemical Genetic Interaction Profiling Reveals Determinants of Intrinsic Antibiotic Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 61(12)
Botella H
Yang G
Ouerfelli O
Ehrt S
Nathan CF
Vaubourgeix J
. 2017.
Distinct Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Peptidoglycan Synthesis between Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
mBio. 8(5)
Ruecker N
Jansen R
Trujillo C
Puckett S
Jayachandran P
Piroli GG
Frizzell N
Molina H
Rhee KY
Ehrt S
. 2017.
Fumarase Deficiency Causes Protein and Metabolite Succination and Intoxicates Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Cell Chem Biol. 24(3):306-315.
Puckett S
Trujillo C
Wang Z
Eoh H
Ioerger TR
Krieger I
Sacchettini J
Schnappinger D
Rhee KY
Ehrt S
. 2017.
Glyoxylate detoxification is an essential function of malate synthase required for carbon assimilation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(11):E2225-E2232.
Botella H
Vaubourgeix J
Lee MHee
Song N
Xu W
Makinoshima H
Glickman MS
Ehrt S
. 2017.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis protease MarP activates a peptidoglycan hydrolase during acid stress.
EMBO J. 36(4):536-548.
Wescott HH
Zuniga ES
Bajpai A
Trujillo C
Ehrt S
Schnappinger D
Roberts DM
Parish T
. 2018.
Identification of Enolase as the Target of 2-Aminothiazoles in .
Front Microbiol. 9:2542.
Ehrt S
Schnappinger D
Rhee KY
. 2018.
Metabolic principles of persistence and pathogenicity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Nat Rev Microbiol. 16(8):496-507.
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