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Elkon KB
Liu CC
Gall JG
Trevejo J
Marino MW
Abrahamsen KA
Song X
Zhou JL
Old LJ
Crystal RG
et al.
. 1997.
Tumor necrosis factor alpha plays a central role in immune-mediated clearance of adenoviral vectors.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 94(18):9814-9.
Orth P
Cordes F
Schnappinger D
Hillen W
Saenger W
Hinrichs W
. 1998.
Conformational changes of the Tet repressor induced by tetracycline trapping.
J Mol Biol. 279(2):439-47.
Gall JG
Crystal RG
Falck-Pedersen E
. 1998.
Construction and characterization of hexon-chimeric adenoviruses: specification of adenovirus serotype.
J Virol. 72(12):10260-4.
Orth P
Alings C
Schnappinger D
Saenger W
Hinrichs W
. 1998.
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the Tet-repressor/operator complex.
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 54(Pt 1):99-100.
Schnappinger D
Schubert P
Pfleiderer K
Hillen W
. 1998.
Determinants of protein-protein recognition by four helix bundles: changing the dimerization specificity of Tet repressor.
EMBO J. 17(2):535-43.
Aste-Amezaga M
Ma X
Sartori A
Trinchieri G
. 1998.
Molecular mechanisms of the induction of IL-12 and its inhibition by IL-10.
J Immunol. 160(12):5936-44.
Lue NF
Peng Y
. 1998.
Negative regulation of yeast telomerase activity through an interaction with an upstream region of the DNA primer.
Nucleic Acids Res. 26(6):1487-94.
Ma X
Riemann H
Gri G
Trinchieri G
. 1998.
Positive and negative regulation of interleukin-12 gene expression.
Eur Cytokine Netw. 9(3 Suppl):54-64.
Karp CL
Wysocka M
Ma X
Marovich M
Factor RE
Nutman T
Armant M
Wahl L
Cuomo P
Trinchieri G
. 1998.
Potent suppression of IL-12 production from monocytes and dendritic cells during endotoxin tolerance.
Eur J Immunol. 28(10):3128-36.
Lue NF
Xia J
. 1998.
Species-specific and sequence-specific recognition of the dG-rich strand of telomeres by yeast telomerase.
Nucleic Acids Res. 26(6):1495-502.
Gri G
Savio D
Trinchieri G
Ma X
. 1998.
Synergistic regulation of the human interleukin-12 p40 promoter by NFkappaB and Ets transcription factors in Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B cells and macrophages.
J Biol Chem. 273(11):6431-8.
Kapitskaya MZ
Dittmer NT
Deitsch KW
Cho WL
Taylor DG
Leff T
Raikhel AS
. 1998.
Three isoforms of a hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 transcription factor with tissue- and stage-specific expression in the adult mosquito.
J Biol Chem. 273(45):29801-10.
Coughlin CM
Salhany KE
Gee MS
LaTemple DC
Kotenko S
Ma X
Gri G
Wysocka M
Kim JE
Liu L
et al.
. 1998.
Tumor cell responses to IFNgamma affect tumorigenicity and response to IL-12 therapy and antiangiogenesis.
Immunity. 9(1):25-34.
Niederweis M
Ehrt S
Heinz C
Klöcker U
Karosi S
Swiderek KM
Riley LW
Benz R
. 1999.
Cloning of the mspA gene encoding a porin from Mycobacterium smegmatis.
Mol Microbiol. 33(5):933-45.
Orth P
Schnappinger D
Sum PE
Ellestad GA
Hillen W
Saenger W
Hinrichs W
. 1999.
Crystal structure of the tet repressor in complex with a novel tetracycline, 9-(N,N-dimethylglycylamido)- 6-demethyl-6-deoxy-tetracycline.
J Mol Biol. 285(2):455-61.
Naureckiene S
Holloman WK
. 1999.
DNA hydrolytic activity associated with the Ustilago maydis REC1 gene product analyzed on hairpin oligonucleotide substrates.
Biochemistry. 38(43):14379-86.
Pardoux C
Ma X
Gobert S
Pellegrini S
Mayeux P
Gay F
Trinchieri G
Chouaib S
. 1999.
Downregulation of interleukin-12 (IL-12) responsiveness in human T cells by transforming growth factor-beta: relationship with IL-12 signaling.
Blood. 93(5):1448-55.
Miyazawa N
Leopold PL
Hackett NR
Ferris B
Worgall S
Falck-Pedersen E
Crystal RG
. 1999.
Fiber swap between adenovirus subgroups B and C alters intracellular trafficking of adenovirus gene transfer vectors.
J Virol. 73(7):6056-65.
Baron U
Schnappinger D
Helbl V
Gossen M
Hillen W
Bujard H
. 1999.
Generation of conditional mutants in higher eukaryotes by switching between the expression of two genes.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 96(3):1013-8.
Peng Y
Trevejo J
Zhou J
Marino MW
Crystal RG
Falck-Pedersen E
Elkon KB
. 1999.
Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor alpha by an adenovirus-encoded soluble fusion protein extends transgene expression in the liver and lung.
J Virol. 73(6):5098-109.
Deitsch KW
del Pinal A
Wellems TE
. 1999.
Intra-cluster recombination and var transcription switches in the antigenic variation of Plasmodium falciparum.
Mol Biochem Parasitol. 101(1-2):107-16.
Kaner RJ
Worgall S
Leopold PL
Stolze E
Milano E
Hidaka C
Ramalingam R
Hackett NR
Singh R
Bergelson J
et al.
. 1999.
Modification of the genetic program of human alveolar macrophages by adenovirus vectors in vitro is feasible but inefficient, limited in part by the low level of expression of the coxsackie/adenovirus receptor.
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 20(3):361-70.
Ruan J
St John G
Ehrt S
Riley L
Nathan C
. 1999.
noxR3, a novel gene from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, protects Salmonella typhimurium from nitrosative and oxidative stress.
Infect Immun. 67(7):3276-83.
Kang BY
Chung SW
Han SJ
Ma X
Trinchieri G
Lee JW
Kim TS
. 1999.
Retinoids inhibit interleukin-12 production in macrophages through physical associations of retinoid X receptor and NFkappaB.
J Biol Chem. 274(12):7674-80.
Xiang Z
Flint J
Riethman HC
. 1999.
A sequence-ready map of the human chromosome 17p telomere.
Genomics. 58(2):207-10.
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